Auto Physical Damage

The Evolution of Claims Automation

March 8, 2021

Olivier Baudoux

Mitchell, An Enlyte Company全球产品战略和人工智能高级副总裁

新冠肺炎疫情加快了许多行业的数字化转型步伐, including auto insurance. When the pandemic began, carriers and collision repairers were forced to find creative ways to limit unnecessary in-person interaction between their employees and customers. This led to the 快速采用虚拟或基于照片的估算. 对于亚博真人官方版APP和修理工来说,虚拟化 supports the need for social distancing, 加速索赔处理过程, 提高效率和客户满意度. According to LexisNexis Risk Solutions, 95%的汽车亚博真人官方版APP正在接受虚拟理赔, 许多人将目光投向了自动化的圣杯:非接触式估算. 全球数据和分析公司预测,到2025年,这一数字将超过 80% of claims 处理过程将是虚拟的,多达一半的非伤害索赔将完全自动化. 那么这对汽车保险行业意味着什么呢? 虽然大流行已经说明了虚拟化的好处, 真正的自动化或“非接触式”评估仍然是最终目标. 然而,实现这一目标需要技术上的进步. Despite business incentives, customer expectations and external motivators like a global pandemic acting as catalysts, 从现场检查到完全自动化的过渡需要时间.

The idea that, today, fully automated appraisals without human intervention can be accurately produced is fiction.

A Deceptive View of Automation

了解理赔自动化的发展轨迹, 我们必须首先解决对当前非接触式估算状态的误解. The idea that, today, fully automated appraisals without human intervention can be accurately produced is fiction. In many ways, it’s analogous to recent exaggerated assertions 关于自动驾驶汽车的威力. 虽然技术进步导致了自动化程度的提高, 人类的监督和干预仍然是必要的. Furthermore, the infrastructure and regulation required to support a completely automated end-to-end system are still evolving.


保持竞争力,满足不断增长的需求 consumer demand 以获得更好的响应时间和自助服务功能, 亚博真人官方版APP正在寻找圣杯:无接触式估算. Why? 预计自动化评估过程将交付:

For it to be successful, though, carriers must consider their own unique workflow requirements when introducing automation. “一刀切”的方法可能适用于现场评估, but a scalable, 自动评估亚博真人官方版APP需要一个 开放、灵活、基于云的生态系统 可以轻松地与其他关键业务应用程序集成. 开放的生态系统,就像电力系统 Mitchell Intelligent Estimating, give insurers the ability to streamline operations and leverage best-in-class technologies that continually reduce the reliance on human effort 因为他们建立了一个自动化的索赔体验.

Trends Driving Higher Efficiency

从现场检查到非接触式索赔的演变有三个趋势, or levels of automation. These levels are not sequential. Instead, they are being developed and deployed in parallel as the artificial intelligence (AI) used to automate estimates becomes more mature.

Virtual Estimating

Virtual estimating dramatically increases efficiency and demonstrates the power of using photo capture to produce accurate assessments. As mentioned, this method of inspection relies on images and videos. 尽管虚拟估价将照片置于评估师工作流程的中心, 它主要是人类而不是机器驱动的.

  • 客户在他们的移动设备上开始索赔流程, 并指导如何捕捉和分享损坏的照片和视频.
  • AI is leveraged to categorize and organize the imported images as well as to detect and highlight sections of the vehicle with damage.
  • 应用程序本质上为评估人员提供了360度的损害视图, allowing them to write an initial estimate as if they were at the vehicle instead of at a remote location.

在COVID-19之前,虚拟估算为 used for low severity claims. 与其他检验方法相比,它所占的比重刚好 6% of all estimates 去年在美国,在加拿大占4%. 大流行开始后,这一比例迅速跃升至13%. 现场评估人员执行现场评估通常可以完成 three to four per day 考虑到行政任务和旅行时间. 然而,从图像工作,允许估价师完成大约 15 to 20 estimates per day.

Guided Estimating

The next step in the progression from handwritten estimates to machine-written estimates involves human-machine collaboration. AI引导评估师通过每个决策点. The goal of guided estimating is to put more power in the appraiser’s hands while leveraging the AI for useful recommendations. At this level of automation, the machine is becoming much more involved in the process. 尽管评估师仍然掌控着局面, the information and decisions presented to them are powered by AI with each sequential line of the estimate being suggested for the appraiser’s consideration. 引导评估超越了虚拟评估:

  • 驱动一组识别组件损坏的人工智能预测
  • 将这些预测转化为估价师的修理线建议
  • Surfacing Supporting Evidence and Empowering the Appraiser to Edit and Incorporate His or Her Own Expertise
  • Supporting a Continuous Feedback Loop That Allows Appraisers’ Decisions to Educate the AI

Automated Estimating

The final level of automation is, of course, 全自动化或非接触式评估-包括所有操作, 由人工智能根据车辆和索赔数据生成的零件选择和定价. 这个主要由机器驱动的过程是这样运作的:

  • Like virtual and guided estimating, 非接触式评估从捕获索赔细节和车辆内容开始.
  • This content is then analyzed using computer vision and other machine-learning algorithms to translate into component-level estimate lines.
  • 然后,人工智能预填充整个估计值,供评估师审查和批准.
By 2025, at least 40% of total loss claims will be settled within a couple of days instead of weeks.

Beyond estimate automation, 额外的数据集成将帮助亚博真人官方版APP进一步简化索赔流程. Ultimately, claims have the potential to be settled even faster by incorporating telematics incident reports, loan payoff amounts, titled/registered owner information, and taxes and fees into the workflow. In fact, Bill Brower of LexisNexis Risk Solutions predicts that "by 2025 at least 40% of total loss claims will be settled within a couple of days instead of weeks."

Partnering to Deliver the Best Outcome

The transformation from field appraisals to touchless claims isn’t done in a vacuum or entirely by a machine, for that matter. 评估师是发展和改进这一过程的关键. By introducing automation gradually, they can build their confidence in the AI while simultaneously perfecting the results through their ongoing feedback. 创造一种指导明确的体验, actionable and, most importantly, 透明有助于在人与机器之间建立信任. Processes driven by human-machine collaboration can lead to vast improvements in speed and accuracy, but they take time. 这并不意味着运营商不应该从今天开始——他们应该开始. 在满足消费者需求和保持竞争力方面, 问题不在于是否要自动化评估. It’s which partner has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals by best supporting the evolution of your organization’s claims process.